Monday, March 8, 2010

Ella's First Haircut

And she even did it herself! Well, if you ask me I'm 100% positive her brother had something to do with it although he won't admit it.

During Mom's visit one night, Lexeigh ran out of the nursery with a clump of brown hair in her hand saying, "Mommy, Reece and Ella cut her hair!"

I ran back there and couldn't see too well in the dark. But I could feel. The hair on the sides of her head was gone! Pretty much to the scalp on the left of her head. I was so upset. Would you like to see? =)

Side 1

Side 2

She gave herself a complete MULLET. I think this was the most upsetting part of the whole ordeal.

All night long I fretted and worried over this child's half bald head. I couldn't even sleep. I didn't know whether to just leave it and get it trimmed monthly until it was even or to get it cut and try to have it "fixed".

I decided to take her in. The first salon I'd actually chosen was booked so I took her to a different salon. It was actually a day spa and was SO incredibly nice. Very chic and upscale. It was also a day spa. The place smelled expensive, haha. But I didn't care at the time, I just wanted to make sure her poor little head didn't get butchered any worse.

The stylist was super nice and really knew what she was doing. I was instantly glad I'd brought her there. When I went to pay the bill she had only charged me $12! That was awesome. I gave her a nice big tip for that =)

Here's Ella's hair after:

I actually think it turned out super cute considering what they did to it.

We'll be using lots of headbands and clippies until it grows out a bit! But that's okay, I like them. I'm going to make a bunch more tonight with Lexeigh I think. That'll be fun

Here she is being "scary". She always has to take a scary shot...

Oh! And I also worried wondered if cutting her hair would make her sweet baby curls disappear forever but since getting her hair cut it's curlier than ever. It looks very pretty in the back.

Here she is after decorating herself. In her own words she said, "Look, Mom...I'm booful!" Hahaha

I also think her hair this way makes her look very babyish which is just fine by me. <3

And of course she had to do her "scary" pose.

Will be posting more pictures very soon! Hopefully tonight!

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