I seem to only get sick when I'm pregnant with girls. I never had morning (afternoon, evening, night) sickness with any of the 3 boys but did with both girls. Maybe that's a sign we're having a girl? Or maybe just a very tricky little fella. =)
It would be great to have a girl so we could continue our nifty "boy-girl-boy-girl" pattern. It would be awesome to have a boy because I've never had children of the same gender back to back before. It's a win-win either way I say!
Lexeigh has a friend up the street whose mom sent this stroller down thinking we might be able to use it. I thought that was nice of her. We already have two strollers though so I let Lexeigh have it to use with her baby dolls. Sometimes she puts her brother in it though, haha. Real babies are more fun!
She is such a great big sister. She's always trying to help the little ones and is never, ever mean or spiteful to them. She's a great little mommy to Quinn.
Now, I have to add this here: Ella has been pulling this strange, creepy face at people for the last week or two. We're not really sure where she learned it but she points her face downward and stares up with her eyes. She doesn't blink, or talk, or move. It's pretty funny. Especially when she does it for minutes at a time!
Here she is at lunch the other day giving Lexeigh "The Look" across the table...
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