Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Some recent pics

Things are going pretty well here. We had a really nice day this past Sunday. We went to church and then out to lunch all together after that. We had a lot of fun. After that we headed to Walmart to pick up some groceries and other things.

The big kids being silly.

Jimmie's getting so tall! He's definitely going to be the tallest of everyone in the house.

Lexeigh Lulu

She's still in the midst of losing baby teeth and getting new ones. =)

Just wanted to show my new nook wallpaper, haha.

Jimmie loves to cuddle up with the babies everytime there's a newborn in the house. I have pics of him like this with all of his siblings.

Andrew's getting so big but he's still so tiny. He's probably a little over 7lbs now. He is such a sweet, perfect baby!

He's super smiley and smiles a TON in his sleep too. So cute!

I love this silly little smirk. Funny face boy =)

He must have been dreaming something funny. He actually made little giggling noises. I wish I'd taken a video.

I want to get some more pictures of all the kids, hopefully outside. I *really* want to (brace yourselves) get a good picture of all 6 of them together. I know, just the thought of it makes me a bit tired but I'm determined to get at least one pretty decent one with at least 2/3 of the kids looking in my general direction.

I hope you are all doing well. We miss you all and hope to come visit home as soon as possible.


  1. Very cute pictures. Your kids are getting so big, so fast. :)

    I'm having a little girl this time around and I'm so nervous. I keep thinking the ultrasound is wrong, hah. You will have to give me some advice ;)

  2. That is so exciting! She's definitely going to be the princess in that house! Have you thought of any names yet? When are you due?
