We left the house a little before lunch and I left a note for Marty. As we were leaving the neighborhood the kids saw his car heading towards us and everyone started shouting for him. He turned around and parked on the side of the road, hopped out of the car, and joined us. Yay!
We found some really interesting things for our nature table. Everyone was really excited to find special rocks, leaves, and twigs. Pretty soon the basket was full.
Here are some pictures of our afternoon:

Reece and Ella holding hands right after we left the house. This wasn't even staged, I promise!

Reece found this leaf. He was undecided about holding it. Haha

Ella running ahead. I didn't mind her running a bit because her short little legs just can't keep up and this way we could all walk at a normal pace. =)

Lexeigh choosing some rocks for the nature table.

Jimmie and I found this awesome flatrock and knew we had to bring it home.

Okay, now this one was staged. =)

Reece said these flowers smell good although I'm not sure they were flowers. I was sure however, they were pretty dead. Haha

We brought along our drawing paper and block crayons to draw some things we saw. The big kids were to pick a tree each so we could identify them at home. They also made some pretty textured drawings on the trail.

Ella found it was much more entertaining to make a tower with the crayons...

Even Quinny found something!

We found this burrow and thought it was pretty neat. We tried to imagine what kind of animal lived in there.

Marty and Reece way down into the trees

Getting a ride from big brother

Everyone else going to join Daddy and Reece. I stayed back with Quinn to clean up since he was in the stroller.

I love this kid


Jimmie and Marty on their way back. See that log Marty's carrying? He fell in the creek getting that thing. He wanted to get some wood to make some homemade tree blocks for the kids.
Later on we went back to collect more wood for the tree block project. We found some acorns and acorn caps which was super exciting because acorn caps make adorable little hats for woodland gnomes =).
Marty and I worked last night cutting and sawing and sanding and sanding some more. We have about half of them done and I'm really excited because they look great! He did a good job cutting them. I'll post some pictures of them later.
Our new curriculum is do to arrive today and the kids and I can't wait. Have a great day all!
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