As promised, here is a picture of the completed Craft Room. Initially it was going to be a Computer/Craft Room but we decided to keep the computer armoire in the living room to better monitor the kids activities. Also, they have a lot of movies on the computer that they all watch together so it just made sense.
I really love this room. It's probably my favorite place in the house. Lexeigh almost always comes in there with me to craft and chat. We've done a lot of fun stuff in here!
I keep some of my favorite wool and fabrics in the wicker baskets. I like to look at them and they make me smile. =)

This picture is a bit blurry but it's of an inspiration board I made for above the sewing table. I really love this. As you can see it needs some more "inspiration" haha. But still, I like having it up there to stick new things on that I find pretty or encouraging or creative.

These are two mini quilt type projects. I found the general ideas for them on the SewMamaSew blog during their Scrap Buster Month. I tacked them up on the wall just for fun.

Here are two dolls I made from two separate patterns I drew myself. I'm happy with how they turned out. I've made so many for the kids already but felt like making more because it's just so fun. They are going to live in the craft room. Marty's going to put a shelf up above the ironing board so I look forward to filling it up with some fun, crafty things.
I've also been helping the big kids make their own Waldorf dolls. They did amazing! We have the dolls completed, including embroidered faces, making and sewing on the wigs, etc. They did a lot of the work themselves and I'm really proud of how well they did. We just have to make some little clothes for them and they'll be finished. I will definitely post pics of that when we are done.
I also whipped up this little "star baby" awhile ago. For the new baby perhaps? It can live in the craft room with the other dollies until then. =)
Quinny in the bath (pre face washing, see his spaghetti mustache?)
Ella calls this "cozy". She always gets out and says, "Make me cozy Mom!"
I love this picture. They were giggling together after bath.
Love this one too. He was walking down the hall. He walks everywhere now! He hardly ever wants to waste him time crawling. Seeing him try to run on his tree trunk legs proves to be very comical.
Reecey and the big kids watching a movie
And a blurry picture of my most recent ultrasound pic. Taken around 13.5 weeks. It always amazes me how perfect their little bodies are at such an early stage. Even more amazing is how some people can look at that perfect little form, the beating heart, little legs kicking away, and say it's not yet a living person.
I have another appointment today. Some of you are aware of the issues I've been having this pregnancy. I think things are looking up. We're still praying for the new baby to stay safe and sound. We'll hopefully find out more about it during today's visit. I will update what we find out. Also, I was told they'd want to do another ultrasound today so that would be great as well. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers!
I will be back as soon as possible with more updates and pictures. I hope you are all doing well. Enjoy your weekend!
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