You can click on any of the pictures to make them bigger.

We also took some other pictures while they were all in a pretty decent mood

This is the best I could get of all the boys together, haha

The girlies. It's a little blurry which is sad because it's my favorite.

The girlies sans blur

The littlest ones wanted to hold the baby. Ella adores him. It's so cute to watch her love on him. She always says, "Mommy, I love Anjoon"

This is one of my most favorite pictures ever. In every single picture we have of Quinn and Andrew he's always pointing his little fat finger at him as if to remind us he's there. He's such a sweet boy and loves baby "Anjoon" a lot!

Lover baby!

Since Reece and Ella are starting to outgrow naps we have them lie in the living room for "rest time" during nap. Sometimes they fall asleep and sometimes they don't but either way I think we ALL (by all I mean me) need a quiet time after lunch.
We got them these nifty nap mats to make quiet time more official and also to (hopefully) try to prevent them from rolling on each other and putting their legs on each other and starting squabbles while the two littlest boys are sleeping.

They like them!

Baby Anjoon. He's such an excellent baby. So easy and not a bit of trouble. He's definitely a joy to have and we're so glad he's here!


Okay, so it's a dolly highchair but doggone it, that's the cutest thing ever. Yeah, we're those kind of parents. LOL. Hey, we like having fun with the kids. =P

Now Ella really thinks he's her baby doll
And my absolute most favorite of all....
wait for it...

He's smiling now! One of my most favorite times is when they first start smiling those new smiles while they're still itty bitty. I missed the really huge one he gave us but still got this sweet little one. =)
I hope you're all doing well, we miss everyone!
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