Baby Andrew is here!!!

He was born June 13 at 4:40 pm. 6lbs 6 oz and 19.5 in long. He is such a sweet baby and he never cries! We're all glad he's finally here.

He sucks his thumb a LOT. He finds his thumb one way or another every day. Love!

And some other random pictures of the kids from the past month or so:

I love this picture of the girlies. Ella climbed into bed with Lexeigh.

Quinny in the new mushroom longies I made him. I wasn't sure how they'd turn out since I was just winging it but I like them. I've started a matching pair for Andrew as well but I think I'll put an owl or something on the back of his. Maybe some sheep. =)

Dennis the Menace (haha) playing in the sprinkler.

Sweet little Ella Pooh.

I love this picture of Ella and Quinn. Marty was hiding behind the couch playing peek-a-boo with them.

This was right before bed so they were all ready in their nighttime wool.

These two are close to the same size now. Ella's still a bit taller but Quinn weighs more. Fatty. Haha. I always thought it was weird when we'd have them in the double stroller and people would ask if they were twins. I guess looking at this picture I can see it more now though.
I'll be back soon with a better update, I promise!
Congratulations on your newest addition to your family. We are expecting number fall sometime in November or early December. Planning a home birth (finally!). :)
ReplyDeleteHey you! That's what I heard, congrats!!! We planned a home VBAC this time but things didn't go as planned unfortunately. I labored most of the way at home though. Will definitely post all about it soon! =)
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry your HBAC didn't go as planned, what happened?
ReplyDeleteI've heard that Darnall is so not vbac friendly and that makes me sad. They are super happy to induce too ... which scares me.
Aww congrats! Post more often! ;P