Here's the carseat we bought for him. I got rid of Quinn's carseat thinking I wouldn't need it again so soon. You think I'd know better by now. =)

How cute is this bouncer?! Again, I got rid of Quinny's before we moved. Marty knew I really wanted this for him so he bought it on Valentine's Day because we decided baby Andrew should get a present too.

This isn't new or anything but it's special to me. This is the bassinet we got for Reece. It's been through Reece, Ella, Quinn, and now it will sleep baby Andrew until he's ready for a crib.

Here's some stuff we've collected for him so far. Again, I donated about 5-6 big boxes of baby boy clothing before we left Nebraska. Sheesh.

I included this picture because it struck me as funny. I think I may be the only one that has a growing collection of knitted junk for a baby that will arrive in the dead of summer. In Texas.

This is a bunny I knitted for baby Andrew. My plan was to sleep with it so it'd smell like me. I've read that's soothing for the baby. I guess we'll see.

This picture makes me laugh too. Wool bunny floating in a bath. Haha

And speaking of knitted things, here's a few things/sets I've been working on for him. I love how quickly newborn things knit up. They're so tiny and fun to make. I made all these things in a little over a week.
A little acorn cap. Is this the cutest pattern or what?! He can be a little gnome baby with his acorn hat.

A little froggy set

An apple set. It turned out a bit girlier than I intended but I still like it. The mitts look like strawberries, haha. Oh well. I dress my boys in purple so we'll use it anyway I'm sure.

A blueberry set. I might just bring him home from the hospital in this one.

A pouch sling I made. I think it's a little big so I might have to take it in some. I was in love with this fabric and was glad to find a good use for it.

Sweet Lulu

Ella in Jimmie's hat. She's so stinkin' cute if I do say so.

And Quinny with one of our old cell phones. See that big scrape on his head? We had some great weather the other day and decided to let him play for awhile. He fell down and skidded his poor head on the sidewalk. Poor baby, his first ever wound!

We miss you all and hope you are all safe and happy!
The kids are growing up so fast. We really miss you all. Sorry to see the boo boo. Ella writing is so cute. Jimmy is growing to be a young man. How is his cooking coming along? I have a couple of newer knives for him. Does he need any cookbooks/baking books? All the projects that you guys are doing looks great. Happy Belated Anniversary! We tried to call but no answer. I just figured out how to post comments here. We love you all and would love to hear from you. God has blessed you and has you all in his loving caring hands. Take care and call. Love Grandpa Marty.