Just a few pictures to share before I update....

I love this picture if only because of the look on Ella's face. Miss Sassypants. =) Reece set up this quadruple bunk for the chipmunks with matching bedding out of playsilks.

How cute is this?!

I love this picture too and I'll tell you why. When Reece showed me how he tucked his Simon into the basket with food and blankets he said to me, "This is baby Jesus' basket that he sleeped in. He said I could use it for my Simon." LOL

Quinny playing. We added canopies to the playstand to make more room although this isn't the best picture. Marty and I also made the little wooden ironing board and iron in the background. That was really fun to do. An identical one online would have cost us $80 and that's before buying the iron. The iron would have been around another $12 or so. Add shipping and it'd be close to $100. Our total cost? $12. It's so worth it to make things when you can and the kids love it!

I can't look at this picture without smiling.

Just a quick picture of some of this week's lessons. We've started on some music. The stuff at the bottom is form drawing. Practicing form drawing really helps Lexeigh with forming cursive letters, control, focus, and being able to copy forms (words) she sees properly.
And now, onto ultrasound pics! Please meet Andrew Taylor Farrell =D

The classic, semi-creepy alien shot. Haha. We had a really hard time getting a good profile pic because baby was just so active and wasn't cooperating much. I have to go back in a few weeks for another ultrasound because we weren't able to get all the necessary pictures. Maybe next time we'll have better luck?

Baby's foot

Baby's Hand

And I don't think this could be more obvious. I was so sure it was a girl but I was wrong! What a tricky little fella =) I saw it before the tech said anything. I gasped and said, "Oh. My. Gosh." Marty looked at me and said, "What's wrong?" and I said "THAT is a boy!". After that I just couldn't stop laughing. I giggled for about 5 minutes still on that table. I was really excited. I've never had two of the same gender in a row before! I'm looking forward to it.
Speaking of looking forward to baby #6, I have to say we're very grateful for this blessing. He was not an accident, a mistake, or a surprise. Were we trying to get pregnant? No. But if God saw fit to send us this little one he was meant to be here. Period. Marty and I made a conscious decision to include the Lord in our family planning. I think that's the only explanation we need to give anyone.
So many people view children as burdens or expenses or "things" that take all of their personal time. It's sad really. I also notice a lot of people with this opinion of children are ones who don't want to take the time to parent their children properly. It's easy to be the kind of parent who doesn't discipline or expect correct (or even decent) behavior out of their children. It's harder yet to be a good parent. To not give in. Are we perfect parents? Absolutely not. We make mistakes and I'm sure we'll make many more. But I suppose people that don't want to take the time to train children properly might find it hard to believe anyone would want more than 1 or 2 because it seems too hard. It *is* hard, but it is worth every single second.
I've also noticed that some of the people who make negative comments about the amount of children we have are people who have only 1 or 2 children themselves. At most 3. So I don't expect them to understand. Also, most of these people have no faith or spirituality in their lives so again, I think it would be hard for these kinds of people to understand obeying the Lord because He has given you a conviction. Will our conviction always be the same? Perhaps not. But for now, we're following what we believe the Lord has asked of us for whatever reason.
There are many biblical readings and studies we've done on family planning and I don't have the time to get into them all right now. But one of the things I've always found fascinating was that God commanded the Israelites to multiply even though they were poor and wandering the desert. Wow. He obviously commanded that for a reason and intended to provide for these children. Marty and I have been amazed at seeing our faith increase as God provides for our needs in so many different ways.
I understand that some people say they are only concerned. I understand this concern when it comes from a genuine heart. One thing I've come to learn though is this: Children are not expensive, lifestyles are. What's important to you? My children are important to me. Not cars or computers or money or houses or boats or etc. etc. etc. I can't take any of those things to Heaven with me. I can, however, take my children. =)
We've learned to ignore the hurtful or ignorant comments from people about our family size. If we shouldn't have had so many, when should we have stopped? Which of our children shouldn't be here now? Quinn? Quinn AND Ella? Just Lexeigh? Maybe Reece and Jimmie. The answer is none of them. They're all here for a reason and each has enriched our lives.
I have to laugh at the birth control comments by now. Why do people assume that because you have more than the usual amount of children you must be ignorant about birth control?? Believe it or not both Marty and I have an IQ that does NOT fall between that of styrofoam and yogurt. ;)
In fact, many people who actually DO use birth control are ignorant to the fact that the pill, iud, and many others are actually abortifacients. They allow a woman to conceive the child, but make the uterus an inhospitable place for the embryo to implant.
But the purpose of my writings is not a vent about birth control. I digress.
The point of this was to get some things off my chest. This was a decision Marty and I made TOGETHER after prayer and research. Those who can't understand that, well, I'm sorry.
I have to say I am beyond eternally grateful for my wonderful family. I am so very, very blessed as are my children to have them. Even though a few of them may have expressed concern it was truly genuine and from the heart. They fully support us and welcome each precious little one with open arms and hearts. Each child is truly celebrated because we realize what a gift each one really is. Thank you for your support and love and understanding. It's made all the difference.