So here are a few pictures of the house. I didn't include pictures of the sewing/computer room yet because it isn't finished. I also didn't include pictures of my bedroom yet because really, there's nothing in it, haha. The pictures I posted of our recycled night stands show pretty much all there is. I have plans for those rooms though. Oh yes, big plans. So I will post update with pictures when they are complete.
Our house at the moment looks pretty sparse and I have to say we LOVE it that way. It's such a refreshing change from where we just came from. We had an overload of possessions. Clothes from years back, things people didn't wear, toys, etc. When we moved here we reduced our "stuff" by
at least 50% if not 60%-70%. It was a blessing in disguise that we were sent that smaller than expected Pod. It really forced us to evaluate what we truly needed.
Having the house sparse the way it is also makes it MUCH easier to clean and keep clean. We can get the whole house clean and presentable top to bottom in about an hour. It's great! So without further ado....

First, we have the corner bookshelf in the entryway as you enter the house. Notice there aren't any pictures after the first 3 shelves. Little hands like shiny things and faces. =)

Here is the left half of the living room.

And the right half where the kids play. We used to have the big dollhouse against the other wall along with a basket of toys but when I realized they weren't being played with as much off they went. I'm afraid of clutter now...

Here are the things they play with most often. The armoire on the right houses things they use daily and we keep a lock on it to prevent toys from being scattered all over the house. They have to come to me when they want something new to play with and also have to show me they cleaned up the toys they were playing with first. This has been working really well for us.
Puzzles, clippos, and other things in tubs. Play food, dollhouse furniture, wooden blocks, cars, railroad tracks, play-doh, etc. I've taken pictures of each tubs contents so that I can put them on the front to make putting things away easier. Maybe I'll print those out today.

Another random shot of the living room from the play area

Jimmie's bed. I still need to get a picture of the rest of his room. He has a cubicle to the right with his books, toys, etc. and a closet to the right of that.

This is the best shot I could get of the girls room. They have their pink cubicle and tv (which is really Jimmie's since the girls' princess tv is in the living room right now) and some other toys along the wall to the right.

Girls bed. They really love this bunk! We plan to get a red or blue one for the little boys when Quinn grows out of his crib.

Reece's side of the little boys room

And Quinn's side. I haven't put up any of their cowboy decor yet but will post pictures of that when I do. Of course!

The bathroom is just a bathroom and pretty boring. But here it is nontheless. The shower and tub are to the left in the picture.

The kitchen. Pretty plain but I love the uncluttered-ness.

Hanging in the kitchen in the entryway to the laundry room, across from the pantry, are the kids chorepacks. Jimmie is red, Lexeigh white, Reece blue. Reece does not have multiple chore packs yet and his are pretty basic and simple. Once daily they do a "weekly chore" which is posted above their chorepacks. They have 3 chorepacks per day. I plan on making a separate post about their chorepacks and how they work for anyone interested.

Here is our dining room. It was hard to get an accurate picture of this room. It seemed a lot bigger until we put our big table in there, haha. But we're grateful we have a place to eat together that a) we can all sit together and b) is NOT in the living room!
So there you have it. Most of our home ;). I didn't think anyone would really care about the garage or backyard or linen closet or whatnot. I'm going to make a separate post for the laundry room because we also use it as a "Family Closet" which I love. I thought that deserved it's own special post. =)
The rooms look awesome..... great job!!
ReplyDeleteThanks! Maybe you could help me do some decorating when you come down? I have some pictures up in the hallway but I didn't take pictures of that. I like not having a lot of "things" in the house but it could use some color maybe!
ReplyDeleteUncluttered is Way Cool. I love it. It looks fantastic. What a beautiful home you have. Jaime it looks wonderful. Way to go Nance!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much friend! We've been working hard =)