Here is the doll I made for Lexeigh for Christmas. She turned out better than Ella's. I can see that making Waldorf dolls is a craft you get better at each time you do it. Marty let me order the dollmaking dvd from Joy's Waldorf Dolls. I'm so excited to get it! I'd love to make these more often. I'm also going to make a few more before Christmas for the rest of the kids. Yes, even the boys. Haha. I've seen some adorable boy Waldorf dolls and some are elves and whatnot. Very cute.
Here she is. I did a few things differently with her and adjusted the pattern a bit from the way I constructed Ella's. I also did the hair differently and used a different wool for more realistic hair. Mom helped me crochet a cap for her that I sewed onto the head so I could latch each piece of hair in individually. This was probably the most time consuming but wasn't hard. I made some coffee, put on a movie, and by the time the movie was over she was finished!
Lexeigh picked the fabric. Although she didn't know what she was picking it for. =)
She needs a name too. Any suggestions? I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. I miss you all!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Kiddo Pictures and More Handmade Christmas
We all had a great time during Nanny's recent visit to Texas. The kids really enjoyed spending time with her and even Quinn remembered her! He smiled right away and held his arms out to her as soon as she came into the house. I plan on doing a larger update on Thanksgiving and Quinn's birthday but there's lots of pictures to resize and upload so that will have to come a bit later. For now here are some recent pictures of the kids!

Monday, November 23, 2009
Handmade Christmas
Every year I try to give the kids at least one gift I've made myself. I really love doing this for them and look forward to finding new ideas. They seem to really like it to and it's something that's special to them. Usually they get a few "made by Mommy" gifts each year.
I thought I'd share the one I just finished for Ella. (Actually the first one I've made yet, haha). I've always loved Waldorf dolls and thought they were beautiful. I really want to start making them. I may order the dvd's on them since I think they'd be really helpful. If you've never heard of Waldorf dolls you should google them. They're really neat.
So anyway, I decided to take a stab at making a dolly for Ella for Christmas. I learned a lot and think she turned out pretty cute. It's a good thing Ella's only 2 and won't notice any mistakes I made! =P
Her dolly. We thought it'd be fun to give her cute, pink hair.
I made her clothes out of one of Ella's shirts. I chose this particular shirt for a few reasons: 1) She received it for a gift for her 1st birthday and it's now a year later. The time went so fast! 2) The shirt was a gift from her Nanny so I hope that will be special for her too. I made the skirt out of some fun fabric I had.
Total cost for the dolly: $0. I made her from things I already had in my craft stash. Doing many different crafts paid off this time! I still need to add a little blush to her face to make some cheeks.
I thought I'd share the one I just finished for Ella. (Actually the first one I've made yet, haha). I've always loved Waldorf dolls and thought they were beautiful. I really want to start making them. I may order the dvd's on them since I think they'd be really helpful. If you've never heard of Waldorf dolls you should google them. They're really neat.
So anyway, I decided to take a stab at making a dolly for Ella for Christmas. I learned a lot and think she turned out pretty cute. It's a good thing Ella's only 2 and won't notice any mistakes I made! =P
So what do you think? She needs a name. Anyone want to name her? =)
Friday, November 20, 2009
Cell Phones Hate Me
So I am AGAIN without a phone. I don't know what happened. AGAIN. I put the phone down, and when I picked it back up it was off and refused to turn back on. I've tried everything to get it to turn on. Charging it does nothing. Even though it was charged when it "died". I don't know what on Earth could have caused it to do this. Nobody touched it. Everyone was napping (even Jimmie, Lexeigh, and I). When we all woke up it was off. How strange.
I guess I'm going to have to try and get the other phone unlocked and reflashed but that might be expensive. So in the meantime if you need to reach me you can do so here or through
I guess I'm going to have to try and get the other phone unlocked and reflashed but that might be expensive. So in the meantime if you need to reach me you can do so here or through
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Smallish Update and Creepy Ella
I haven't been updating much lately due to the fact that I've been pretty nauseous and exhausted. Early pregnancy is no fun for me. Most people are surprised to hear that I don't enjoy being pregnant. Having more than the average amount of children I guess people just assume I like pregnancy, lol. I can say it's definitely more than worth it but, all in all, I just don't care for the pregnancy part much.
I seem to only get sick when I'm pregnant with girls. I never had morning (afternoon, evening, night) sickness with any of the 3 boys but did with both girls. Maybe that's a sign we're having a girl? Or maybe just a very tricky little fella. =)
It would be great to have a girl so we could continue our nifty "boy-girl-boy-girl" pattern. It would be awesome to have a boy because I've never had children of the same gender back to back before. It's a win-win either way I say!
Lexeigh has a friend up the street whose mom sent this stroller down thinking we might be able to use it. I thought that was nice of her. We already have two strollers though so I let Lexeigh have it to use with her baby dolls. Sometimes she puts her brother in it though, haha. Real babies are more fun!
She is such a great big sister. She's always trying to help the little ones and is never, ever mean or spiteful to them. She's a great little mommy to Quinn.
I seem to only get sick when I'm pregnant with girls. I never had morning (afternoon, evening, night) sickness with any of the 3 boys but did with both girls. Maybe that's a sign we're having a girl? Or maybe just a very tricky little fella. =)
It would be great to have a girl so we could continue our nifty "boy-girl-boy-girl" pattern. It would be awesome to have a boy because I've never had children of the same gender back to back before. It's a win-win either way I say!
Now, I have to add this here: Ella has been pulling this strange, creepy face at people for the last week or two. We're not really sure where she learned it but she points her face downward and stares up with her eyes. She doesn't blink, or talk, or move. It's pretty funny. Especially when she does it for minutes at a time!
Here she is at lunch the other day giving Lexeigh "The Look" across the table...
Monday, November 9, 2009
Reece's 4th Birthday
Reece had a great birthday yesterday! I can't believe he's 4 already. On the other hand it seems like he's been with us forever. I can honestly say he's a true joy to have. He's such a funny boy and makes me laugh all the time. He can definitely be a handful and is very spirited as you all well know...but I believe his personality will serve him well. One day. =)
So we went to Toys R Us when and bought him a train table with his birthday money. Marty brought it home and he was so excited! We spent the afternoon putting it together. As soon as it was done Reece promptly collected his cars and tracks and trains and took them to his favorite spots: his bedroom and the windowsill. *Sigh* So we dismantled the train table and took it back. Boo.
This time we took him to the store and let him choose for himself. Now I have to give you a little backstory here...Reece had had a long obsession with the Wizard of Oz. Mainly the Wicked Witch of the West. At first it scared him but he then decided he loved him. (He thinks the witch is a boy haha). So everytime we go to the toy store we have to spend a lot of time at the Barbie display looking at the commemorative Wizard of Oz dolls. EVERY time. Well what do you think he wanted to choose first out of all the thousands of toys available? The Wicked Witch of the West! Marty and I spent the whole time trying to talk him out of the "Barbie" but to no avail. Finally we just decided, "It's his birthday money, let him choose what he wants". So he did. And he's been dragging it around with him ever since.
So we went to Toys R Us when and bought him a train table with his birthday money. Marty brought it home and he was so excited! We spent the afternoon putting it together. As soon as it was done Reece promptly collected his cars and tracks and trains and took them to his favorite spots: his bedroom and the windowsill. *Sigh* So we dismantled the train table and took it back. Boo.
This time we took him to the store and let him choose for himself. Now I have to give you a little backstory here...Reece had had a long obsession with the Wizard of Oz. Mainly the Wicked Witch of the West. At first it scared him but he then decided he loved him. (He thinks the witch is a boy haha). So everytime we go to the toy store we have to spend a lot of time at the Barbie display looking at the commemorative Wizard of Oz dolls. EVERY time. Well what do you think he wanted to choose first out of all the thousands of toys available? The Wicked Witch of the West! Marty and I spent the whole time trying to talk him out of the "Barbie" but to no avail. Finally we just decided, "It's his birthday money, let him choose what he wants". So he did. And he's been dragging it around with him ever since.
On the way home he said from the back, "Mommy, the witch said I can hold his broom. He did. He did say that to me."
For the past year I've been promising this child a Wiggles cake for his 4th birthday. I took a stab at it and this was the result, haha. Oh well, he liked it!
I told him it was okay. It was his birthday cake but he had to tell the truth. He said okay and gave me a big smile.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Our Family Closet and ChorePacks
So here is the promised post of our Laundry Room/Family Closet. I decided to use a family closet because keeping up with laundry was always a challenge for me. Even at my best attempts to fold things right out of the dryer, some distraction would prevent delivery of the items to their various locations around the house and before you knew it we were just grabbing things out of the basket itself. That did not work well.
My second motivation came from a sweet girl who shall remain nameless who likes to change her clothes. A LOT. I don't know why we even bothered with hangers for that child since her room was carpeted in her "floordrobe".
This works out so much better for us and makes it extremely easy to keep up with laundry. Everything to be put away is right there in the room that it gets washed in. Except for towels, blankets, and sheets which go in the linen closet.
Here is what you see as you enter the laundry room. To the left in the picture is another door that leads to the garage.
Next to the washer and dryer is where we have our changing station. Love this. We use it to house both our current rotation of cloth diapers and disposables.
If you turn right at the changing table you will see our "Family Closet". Hanging garments to the left. Each person's section is labeled with their own divider which makes it easy to hang things up and grab someone an outfit when needed. The dresser is for the kids. Everyone has their own except for the little boys who share one. In their drawers they keep pj's, knickers, and socks.
Closer pic of the hanging rod Marty installed. The kids also have their own color of hanger to make things easier as well.
The dresser and parent shelves
The kids folded clothing
This is just a view from the family closet area. See that ice cream container on the dryer? That's where I keep my homemade laundry soap. It works great and equals out to about a penny a load!
Now onto our ChorePack system. I posted this pic a little while back of the kids chore packs. I've taken some other pictures to better explain how they work. (The Chorepacks, not the kids. Haha)
Here are their chorepacks. From left to right: Jimmie, Lexeigh, Reece. Each morning they put on their chorepack and follow them starting with card 1. When that chore is complete the slide it into the back. Then when they reach card 1 again they know that pack is finished. They have a pack for after lunch and after dinner as well.
These are Jimmie's chores for the morning. After card number 5 we have breakfast and they finish the rest of their morning chorepack afterwards.
Jimmie's after lunch pack. They both have "clear hallway" as mumber 3 so they can work on that together.
Jimmie's evening pack
Lexeigh's morning pack
Lexeigh's after lunch pack
Lexeigh's evening pack
Reece's morning chorepack. These are just basics to get him used to following directions and learning to be responsible for expected actions without reminding. He does have other small chores in the day to help with such as feeding the dog or putting the silverware away.
These are the chores that the kids do once weekly.
My second motivation came from a sweet girl who shall remain nameless who likes to change her clothes. A LOT. I don't know why we even bothered with hangers for that child since her room was carpeted in her "floordrobe".
This works out so much better for us and makes it extremely easy to keep up with laundry. Everything to be put away is right there in the room that it gets washed in. Except for towels, blankets, and sheets which go in the linen closet.
Above the dresser are where Marty and I keep our pants, tshirts, pj's, etc.
To the right on the long shelf is where we keep the kids' "folding clothes". Bottoms (pants and shorts for the boys, pants and skirts for the girls) and tshirts. Each person has a section from youngest to oldest. One pile for bottoms, one for tops. Under that shelf is all of Marty's uniforms and pt stuff and a basket for each Marty and I. Knickers, socks, etc.
On the ground is a blue tub for boys clothes that have been sorted and are waiting to be grown into. Same thing for the purple tub for the girls.
Quinn: Light Blue
Ella: White
Reece: Dark Blue
Lexeigh: Pink
Jimmie: Red
Marty and I: White adult hangers
Now onto our ChorePack system. I posted this pic a little while back of the kids chore packs. I've taken some other pictures to better explain how they work. (The Chorepacks, not the kids. Haha)
That's a pretty basic rundown of how the chorepacks work. While the kids are doing their packs in the morning I am usually working on laundry and working along side them to help them get things done. Our goal is to have them be able to complete their tasks efficiently without help and in an appropriate amount of time. That takes a lot of work! They are good about helping and are definitely a blessing to me around the house. They are my biggest helpers. =)
I will also be posting Reece's birthday pictures soon. Maybe tonight but probably tomorrow. I have a few pictures left to upload of him blowing out his candles that I didn't want to leave out. Thank you for all the cards! He was very excited to get them and I have pictures of some of the presents he bought with his birthday money. I hope everyone had a great weekend. Love and miss you all.
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