Things have been going pretty well lately. The weather is getting nicer but we still have some chilly days.
We're still preparing for baby Andrew although there's not a terrible lot to do. I'm so excited for him to be here! I can't wait to hold a newborn again and fall asleep next to a basinette with a little bundle swaddled up inside. Those first few weeks are my absolute favorite!
We've also had our fair share of excitement which is almost everyday. =) Our most recent episode was what has come to be known as the "Block Affair".
Reece came out of his room crying the other night saying he had a boogie. Well Marty and I laughed at first because he was acting up so much over a boogie. Then I noticed he was coughing and sneezing over and over. It wasn't a boogie he had in his nose...
It was a bead block!

Why on earth do little children like to shove things up their noses?! Marty held him still while I pulled the bead out with a tiny crochet hook. I needed something to "hook" into the hole of the bead to pull it down and out.
The letter "K". I don't know whether to call it the culprit or the victim haha

He was so relieved to have it out of his nose he jumped up and hugged Marty and said, "Thanks guys! Thanks thanks thanks! No more blocks for me!"

Hopefully he won't try putting anything in his nose again anytime soon!
Recently Marty and I had discussed looking into a larger capacity washer and dryer. I do laundry everyday which I'm sure lots of people do. But we were wondering if a larger capacity set would bring the time I spent on laundry everyday down some. I knew I didn't want a front loading set as I don't care for them and they're not great for washing diapers in. So we went to look at a "super capacity" top loader and realized there isn't much difference in the size at all. It was hardly noticeable. So we decided to stick with what we have and be grateful they work well! Haha
Speaking of cloth, we recently switched back to cloth diapers again. We took a break from them while we moved but figured we'd start using them again now and save some money. I sold a lot of the things we weren't using and ordered some Fuzzi Bunz. They're my favorite. I also have some extra small ones on the way for Baby Andrew. Can't wait for that!
I decided to make some cloth wipes the other day to use since we're going back to cloth. They just make more sense. It's easier to just toss them in with the diaper laundry then to separate disposable wipes from your laundry.
I made 3 dozen. One side is cotton knit (like t-shirt material) and the other side is organic bamboo velour. Have I mentioned how soft OBV is and how much I loooooove it? It's booty luxury! Also, the wipes cost me nothing as I made them from materials I already had on hand.
3 dozen wipes. They're super soft and squishy and the little ones love to pet them, haha.

Here's some of the prints I used. Love these

Front and Back

Close up of the OBV. I don't think you can see well how soft this is but it'd be great for a baby blanket or something. Maybe I'll make Andrew a special blanket. =)

These would also be great for wiping runny noses or cleaning faces off after meals. I think I'll make some more today. I have some organic hemp fleece (not like regular fleece material, it's hard to explain but it's an absorbant fleece) that is super soft and squishy and would make some excellent wipes. Maybe we'll keep a stack in the kitchen for little faces or something.

Some little person ran off with the camera but as soon as I find it I'll be uploading some more pics. Enjoy your weekend!