Christmas morning, Jimmie and I were the first ones up. I was awake at around 5:30 a.m. and was too excited to go back to sleep. Jimmie was up right after that and we made some coffee and waited for everyone to wake up.
By the time it was 8 o'clock and the girls were still not up we decided to go and get them. Marty and I jumped on the bed and Jimmie and Reece followed us in and we sang a Merry Christmas song to wake them up.
The kids opened their stockings first and while they were munching on their treats Marty and I got things ready. We brought a big box inside to throw paper into to try and help corral the mess.
Soon it was present time. We did our presents first, then took a break to eat. The kids spent some time playing with their new things and we helped them put everything together. By the time that was finished it was naptime. After nap, we had Christmas dinner which came out really well! That was a relief, haha. We waited until that evening to open presents from family and I'm glad we did it that way.
Anyway, on to the pictures!

ETA: The basic concept of a play stand is that it can be many different things. It's a very open ended toy and can be anything the child imagines. It can be a hospital to play doctor in, a house, a fort, a store to play shop, a space ship, etc. Definitely a multi-purpose toy!
This is the baby that I made Ella using the Waldorf materials I ordered. I really like using the skin fabric. She still needs a name. =)
Marty and I took the baby to Walmart to find her a little sleeper so she wouldn't be naked. I wanted something solid colored but this was as close as I could find. She fits into preemie clothes perfect.
Lexeigh wanted me to make her a Waldorf mermaid and I had wanted to try making one anyway so it was the perfect excuse to whip one up! She wanted her mermaid to have a rainbow tail so I used LWI (low water immersion) to dye this piece of organic bamboo velour for her mermaid's tail.
Here she is. I think she turned out pretty well. I ordered the "mermaid hair" from Weir Dolls and Crafts. It's a mixture of different natural fibers and gave the hair a really neat texture.
I also gave her button jointed limbs so that they'd be movable.
Lexeigh named her Nerissa which means "daughter of the sea". An appropriate name for a mer-person I think.
She's slept with her everynight since. Ella calls her "that fish baby" haha.
Part of our Christmas surprise to the kids was to redo the play area for the kids. I really wanted to give them a Waldorf inspired play area with some natural, open ended toys. We replaced their plastic kitchen with a wooden kitchen I ordered from and they play with it much more than they played with the other one. I think the other one was too distracting with all the lights and buttons and sounds. Simple toys just seem to keep their attention much longer than the flashy, electronic toys that think for them instead of letting them think for themselves.
Here's the new play area. The easel, kitchen, playstands, and cradles are new. The cradles were gifts from Aunty Shelly's family to the girls. They love them! We recycled the bookshelf since it wasn't really being used. I also recycled the wicker baskets from elsewhere in the house to put their toys in so they can easily choose what to play with and so that things are on their level. This picture was taken on Christmas Eve after everyone was in bed so the baskets and shelves are mostly empty waiting for the new Christmas toys to fill them up!
Quinny on Christmas morning. He didn't know why he was so happy but he saw that everyone else was so that made him smile. Haha
The first thing they did was head into the play stand. Before Reece even opened one gift he said, "Oh thank you Mommy!" So sweet.
There's nothing like Christmas chocolate at 8 in the morning.
Ella made a hearty effort to eat every single thing that was edible in her stocking.
And also tried to force her baby to do the same...

Jimmie used his own money to buy presents for his siblings this year which was so very sweet of him. Lexeigh loved her present and nearly knocked him down with gratitude.
Ella and one of her presents.
This is the only picture of Reece not in his knickers. Haha. He likes to feel wild and free...
After he opened his skateboard and Very Hungry Caterpillar helmet and pads set he shed those pesky jammies because he said, "Those jammies aren't working. Only my feet work on my skateboard". LOL
Jimmie modeling his new hat. =D
When Ella was first given a present I don't think she quite knew what to do with it. She must have forgotten how to open gifts since her birthday. What a short memory a two-year old must have, haha. She sat and smiled at it till we showed her how to tear into it.
I had ordered some wooden play food for her to use with the new kitchen. Only the company sent it in a cute little baggie. I had to use a Jiffy corn bread box to put them in. She opened it and stared at the box and Reece said, "OH! IT'S CORN BREAD!!!! Ella you like corn bread don't you?!?!!" Hahahaha
Then almost immediately after that he took the box and asked me, "Why did Ella get CORN BREAD for her present??"
Daddy helped Quinn open all his presents.

He got the coolest toy from It's a wooden pounding toy with different colored wooden balls. I just might take a video of one of the kids playing with it if I can because it's really neat. Quinn's only interested in the balls yet though.
I love love love this picture. Ella really liked her hand puppets and always asks me to help her put a new one on.
Lexeigh and her new ruby slippers. Haha.
Quinn during Christmas dinner. He swept most of it onto the floor to the dogs so how did he get so much of it on his face? I'm not sure but either way he was wicked happy about it.
I love this picture too.
This is one of my favorite pictures from this Christmas. I think because no one's pulling any weird faces and because it's near impossible to get pictures of Reece let alone pictures where he cooperates, haha!

I hope you all had a great Christmas. We were thinking of all our family that day and wishing we could be there. But we kept busy and had a fun time together. I hope yours was a Merry Christmas!